OAG of Canada

Employee scheduling system
Project Overview
The Office of the Auditor General (OAG) of Canada has a timesheet scheduling application that is being used internally by all office employees to enter their work hours. Employees used the application to enter which projects they worked on, their overtime, sick days that were taken and vacation time. However, the timesheet application was beginning to get outdated; it was time to re-design this old system to work on a web browser.
My Role
I was the sole UX Designer tasked with re-designing the employee timesheet application from the ground up. The new UI needed to be a responsive web-based application that is user-friendly and intuitive for all employees.
Skills Used
User Research, User Interviews, User Stories, Balsamique, Cross-Functional Collaboration, UX/UI Design, Rapid Prototyping, Usability Testing

Process & Solution

Problem Statement
The employees of the OAG were using a very old program to enter in the projects they worked on and the amount of time they spent on each project. In addition, the employees also had to enter their overtime, sick leave and any other time related information. This old program was causing employees to enter incorrect information, require assistance and took them a very long time to complete a seamless task. Furthermore, onboarding new employees was a major time-consuming effort.
Research, Design, Test & Iterate
The first thing I did was familiarize myself with all the key features. I began researching what was absolutely required in an employee timesheet application and made a list of user needs from my research.

I wanted to gather as much information as I could directly from the end users so I conducted user interviews with employees until I began seeing a pattern and feature requests started becoming repetitive.

From there, I created user stories and prioritized them all in order of most important to least important.
- As a user, I want to be able to find a product
- As a user, I want to clearly see my total work hours
- etc.

I created wireframes, interactive prototypes and applied UX design principles to construct (design) the new user interface. I used Balsamiq to design the new application based on user requirements I gathered from my research.

I conducted user studies, user interviews, prioritized user stories and iterated the design until the employees and stakeholders were satisfied with the new UI.

Outcome & Results

Final UI Design
This was the final version of the new timesheet system at the end of my work term at the OAG.
Key Learnings
At the end of my student work term, I learned a lot about how to properly execute a UX design process. I spent a lot of time collaborating with the development team, management team and end users to bring the platform to its final state.

The stakeholders and users were both happy with the end result. Employees were satisfied with the new application and found the new UI to be pleasant to use.